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Image by Jude Beck

Pax Christi

Peace in Christ

Welcome to the Gregorian Masses blog by Manete In Me Prayer Group.

This blog is part of our mercy ministry which focuses on prayers, devotions, services and masses for the departed souls.  In this blog you can find various information regarding souls in purgatory, ways to help souls of our family/relatives who have been departed, services provided by the Manete In Me Prayer Group and other related information.

Our activities are entirely devoted to the glory of God and are manifested in ministry of mercy for the departed souls.  


Feast of the Archangels St.Michael, St.Gabriel and St.Rafael  

29 September 2020


For more information about Manete In Me Prayer Group, please click the following link:

To join our prayer group  or to request a prayer for the departed souls, please click the following link:

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Let's Help the Souls in Purgatory

The only way out from Purgatory is to Heaven. The departed souls who are at the Purgatory cannot open the door themselves but we can help open the door to Heaven for them. Here are some of the "keys" we can give them so that the door to Heaven will soon open for them:

Sacrificing the Holy Mass for the Departed Souls

Holy Mass is the first and most important key that really helps ease the punishment of the departed souls and accelerates their purification so they can soon be united with God in Heaven.

You can offer a Requiem Mass or Gregorian Masses for the souls of your family/relatives through the Manete In Me Prayer Group.

Offering the Rosary / Series of Prayers for the Departed Souls

After the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, the Rosary is the most powerful series of prayers to help the souls in Purgatory.  You can also pray other prayers with the saints who have devotion for the souls in Purgatory such as Divine Mercy Prayer, the Rosary of St. Gertrude the Great and the 100 Requiem Rosary, and various series of prayers for departed souls that are available at the following link:

Praying the Novena of the Departed Souls

Novena prayer is also very helpful for the departed souls. You can pray these novenas any time but we particularly pray this novena in November (the month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory) or at the end of October in anticipation of the All Souls Day on November 2nd.  Novenas for the departed souls are available at the following link:

Praying the Way of the Cross

Commemorating the passion of Christ in the Way of the Cross Prayer and offering it to the souls in Purgatory will help to relieve their suffering. The Way of the Cross Prayers are available at the link below:

Divine Office Prayer / Brevir for the Departed Souls

Saying the Divine Office (Morning, Afternoon, Evening) for the departed souls is a sacred habit and is also one of the prayers to obtain indulgences for them.  This prayer is usually prayed on the day when a family/relative passed away, while the body is buried or at the anniversary of the family/relative death. Divine Office Prayer for the Departed Souls are available at the following link:

Offering Indulgences for the Departed Souls

An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven as far as their guilt is concerned, which the follower of Christ with the proper dispositions and under certain determined conditions acquires through the intervention of the Church which, as minister of the Redemption, authoritatively dispenses and applies the treasury of the satisfaction won by Christ and the saints. (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1). As believers, we can offer full or partial indulgences to the spirits in Purgatory so that their suffering is alleviated and their period of purification is accelerated. The terms and conditions for obtaining indulgences can be found below:

 Grave Visit

By visiting the graves of family/relatives and praying for them, we can obtain full or partial indulgences that can be offered to the departed souls. Full indulgences can be obtained in November which is the month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
If you cannot visit the graves of your family/relatives in the Jakarta area either because of the Covid outbreak or other reasons, the Manete In Me Prayer Group can help to do it on your behalf. Please contact us at the following link:

Spreading devotion to the souls in Purgatory

By spreading prayers and devotions for the souls in Purgatory, more people can pray for them and more souls will receive help. You can find several short prayers that you can offer to help the souls in Purgatory at the following link:

You can also do the following things and dedicate them to help the departed souls:

  • Offering the grace of Holy Communion that you receive to the departed souls.

  • Performing Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for the departed souls.

  • Perform abstinence or other sacrifices and offer them to the departed souls.

  • Giving alms or help for those who need them and offer the merit and grace from it to help the departed souls.

Let's offer prayers to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory so that they can be united with God in Heaven soon. 


O.., brother, please listen to this sad lamentation. Our guilty souls are suffering in the fire.  Mercy... Mercy... Mercy... my Jesus

We live in fire. Can't get help. Because of the torment of sins that have not been blotted out. Mercy... Mercy... Mercy... my Jesus

Our hearts yearn to be happy in Heaven but we have to wait surrounded by flames. Mercy ..Mercy...Mercy..My Jesus

We ask for help with prayer. Which will console us up. Your prayers lighten our suffering in the fire. Mercy... Mercy... Mercy... my Jesus

(O, Brothers, Please Listen; Mari Bermadah 2nd edition of Amboina Diocese 1984)


The lyric of this song illustrates how important our prayers are for the departed souls. Souls in purgatory die in God's mercy but when they die there is still inherent sin so these souls undergo spiritual purification before they can unite with God. 

They can no longer do anything for themselves so they rely on us who are still alive to help them and ease their suffering and also speed up the purification so they can be united with God as soon as possible.

We can relieve the suffering of the departed souls and help our deceased relatives by offering Gregorian Masses for them.

A visit to the grave or cemetery is a tradition that we can find in almost every culture in this world. Classical Greek and Roman culture call it memento mori which literally means "remember death". The tradition of visiting graves is also a form of respect to ancestors who have died while at the same time uniting the circle of brotherhood, clan, or tribe.

Image by Sandy Millar
Image by Josh Applegate

“Well, we help them and remember them. If Job's children had been cleansed by the sacrifices brought by their father. Job 1:5., how can we doubt that our offerings bring comfort to the dead? Let us not hesitate to help the dead and offer prayers for them” (John Chrysostom, hom. in 1 Cor 41,5).

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