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Doa untuk Arwah
Prayers for the Departed Soul

Prayer is an essential part of the faithful act of mercy. In addition to praying for those who are still alive, we also pray for the souls as a form of expression of our faith. We need to pray for the spirits because the spirits can't do anything for themselves anymore. They spoke in silence: "Have mercy on us who are suffering and lonely". Let us have mercy on them by praying for them.  Here are prayers and devotions that can be done to help the souls:

To request a prayer for the spirits or to participate in praying for the spirits with our group, please click the following link:

Image by Myriam Zilles
A Short Prayer for the Departed Soul

Prayer of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest ( or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for ) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.

Prayer to save 1000 souls from Purgatory (Prayer of St. Getrurdis the Great)

O Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Holy Blood of Your Divine Son Our Lord Jesus Christ in union with all the Masses offered throughout the world today for all souls holy in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church , sinners in my house and in my family ( state the name of the soul that is prayed for ).

De Produndis (Prayer from the Abyss -  Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ear pay attention to the cry of my prayer.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart expects His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

Prayers for Abandoned / Forgotten Spirits

Jesus,  because of the sorrow that you experienced in your passion in the Garden of Gethsemane, in your persecution and crowning with thorns, on the road to Calvary, at your crucifixion and death, have mercy on the souls in purgatory, and especially to those most neglected; please deliver them from the suffering they bear; call upon them and receive them into Your sweetest embrace in heaven.

1 X I believe...

1 X Our Father….

1 X Hail Mary….

Give them eternal rest, O Lord, and let eternal light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Prayers for Souls in Purgatory

Merciful Father God, we offer You the Most Holy Blood of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, in union with all the Holy Masses offered throughout the world today for souls.  believers who have died and are still in Purgatory. We ask for Your mercy and lighten their suffering. Forgive all their mistakes and sins, especially for those who died suddenly, unprepared and did not have time to repent.


At this time we also pray for those whose souls have never received attention and prayers from their families. We also pray for the souls of our deceased family members, especially for … (state their names). In time those who long for the “heavenly homeland” (Hebrews 11:16) you will finally allow you to enter and enjoy eternal happiness and eternal joy with the angels and all the saints.  All this we ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord and Intercessor, who lives and is united with You and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

1 X I Believe

1 X Our Father…

3 X Hail Marys…                

1 X Glory…

1 X Praised…


Mother Mary, refuge of sinners pray for the souls of the faithful who have died, especially those who are still in Purgatory. Amen.


Prayer Requests for the Departed Soul

The Manete In Me Prayer Group conducts a series of prayers for the departed souls every Monday night at 19.00 Jakarta time. You can request and pray for the departed soul of your family/relatives with us by filling out the following form.

a) You can request intentions for more than one departed soul in 1 form. Please make sure to write down the full names of the departed souls as they will be read/prayed for in the Litany for Eternal Peace for the Departed Souls 
b) Please use a comma (,) to separate the names of the departed souls, and if possible please add the names Mr, Mrs, Ms, or others to make it easier for us to read their names.
c) If you do not know the full name of the departed souls, please ensure that you or your family can attend/pray together with the group.


Prayers for the departed souls will be carried out in a series of 7 prayers the souls.  We will send a link for online prayer to the person who requests the intention via email or WA so that you can pray with us.

Thank You!

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