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Morning Worship/Morning Office of the Spirits

Image by Hugo Fergusson

T you cross (In the name of the Father,..)


P: Dear God, please open my heart.

A: That my mouth may proclaim Your praise.


Opening: Ant.

Let's worship God, the king of life.

Psalm 94 (95)


Let us sing to the Lord,

cheers for our savior.

Facing His face with a song of thanksgiving,

honor Him with praise.


The Lord is the great God,

rule over all gods.

The foundation of the earth lies in His hands,

the top of the mountain belongs to Him.

To Him belongs the sea, He made it,

the land is made by His hands.


Let's prostrate and worship,

kneel before God, our creator.

He is our God, we are His people,

He is our shepherd, we are His flock.


Today hear His voice:

"Do not harden your heart as at Meribah,

as in Masa, in the wilderness;

when your ancestors tried me,

though witnessing My great work.


Forty years I'm sick of them;

So I said: This people have lost their hearts,

they do not understand the meaning of My guidance.

Therefore I swear in My wrath:

They will not rest with Me.”


Glory to the Father…

As in…


Ant. Let's worship God, the king of life.




Christ the essence of life

You are the source of forgiveness

That guarantees resurrection

For believers.


you have experienced

Death is so scary

For obeying the Father

Stay completely faithful.


Then you defeat death

Good luck life

Enlarge our hearts

This is grieving.


May your spirit

Who moved to the afterlife

You allow to be happy

Live gloriously forever. Amen.


Ant.1: May the hearts that You are broken will shout for joy to You, O Lord.

Psalm 50 (51)


Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love,*

according to the greatness of Your mercy, blot out my guilt.

Cleanse me completely from my iniquity,*

and wash me from my sins.

I realize my transgression,*

my sins are always looming before my eyes.

Against you, against you have I sinned,*

I do what is evil before You.

So it turns out that you are just when you punish me,*

and your decision is right.

Truly I was born in error,*

and in sin I was conceived by the mother.

Truly you are pleased with sincerity,*

You infused wisdom into my heart.

Cleanse me, that I may be pure,*

wash me so that I may be white than snow.

Tell me glad tidings,*

may your broken heart rejoice.

Turn away Thy face from my sin,*

erase all my faults.

Create a pure heart for me, O God,*

renew the steadfast spirit in my heart.

Do not cast me out of Your sight,*

do not take Your holy spirit from me.

Return to me the joy of Your salvation,*

and give me a willing spirit.

Then I will teach the attitude of your heart to sinners,*

so that they will return to You.

Deliver me from the sin of murder, O God of my savior,*

then I will make known Your justice.

O Lord, open my lips,*

that my mouth may proclaim Your praise.

You are not pleased with sacrifices,*

the burnt offering that I offer, you do not like.

An offering to God is a contrite soul,*

broken heart You will not refuse.


Ant.1: May the hearts that You are broken will shout for joy to You, O Lord.


Ant.2: O Lord, snatch my life from the door of death.

Yes 38.10-14.17-20


I said: In the prime of my life,+

I go to the gates of hell,*

there I was called for the next.

I said: I will not look to God anymore,+

in the world of the living,*

I will no longer find anyone among the inhabitants of the earth.

My hut will be demolished,*

pulled up like a shepherd's tent.

Like a weaver You roll up my life,*

cut the thread of my life from the weft.

Day and night you let me,+

until the morning I complain,*

like a lion you crush my bones.

Like a swallow I squeak in anxiety,*

cooed like a dove.

My eyes are faded from looking up,*

I am oppressed, O Lord, help me.

But you have spared my soul from the grave,*

and all my sins you throw away.

Hell does not praise you,+

the dead do not glorify you,*

who descended into the grave did not expect Your faithfulness.

Only the living praise You, as I am today,*

may your faithfulness be proclaimed from generation to generation.

O Lord, please save me,+

then we will sound the harp,*

in the house of the Lord, all our lives.


Ant.2: O Lord, snatch my life from the door of death.


Ant.3: I will glorify God all my life.

Psalm 145 (146)


Praise the Lord, O my heart!+

I will glorify the Lord all my life*

praise Him throughout the life of the body.

Do not put your hope in great men,*

in humans who cannot save.

When his soul drifts away, he turns to dust,*

That day also ruined the plan.

Blessed are those who seek help from the God of Jacob,*

who put their trust in God, their God.

For God made the heavens and the earth,*

created the sea and everything in it.

The Lord remains faithful to those who are insulted,*

ensure justice for the oppressed.

The Lord feeds the hungry,*

free the shackled.

God opens the eyes of the blind,*

raise a stooped person.

God protects strangers,*

care for orphans and widows.

God loves honest people,*

but sinners are overthrown by Him.

The Lord is king forever and ever,*

He is your God, O Zion, from generation to generation.


Ant.3: I will glorify God all my life.


Short Reading (1 Thess 4.34)

If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, then we also believe that all those who die in faith in Jesus, God will gather together with Jesus.


Short Song

Q: I will glorify you, O Lord,* because you set me free.

A: I.....

Q: You have made my wailing a joyful dance.

A: Because you set me free.

Q: Glory.....

A: I....



I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live even if he dies. And whoever lives and believes in Me, will not die forever.


Song of Zechariah  (Luke 1.68-79)


Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,*

for He visits and sets His people free.

He raised up for us a mighty savior,*

son of David, His servant.

As He promised from time immemorial,*

through His holy prophets.

To save us from our enemies,*

and from the hand of all adversaries who hate us.

To show His mercy to our ancestors,*

and heed His holy covenant.

For he swore to Abraham our father,*

will free us from the hands of the enemy.

So that we may serve Him without fear,*

and be holy and honest before Him for the rest of their lives.

And you, my son, will be called a prophet of the most high God,*

for you will go before the Lord to prepare His way.

To instill an understanding of salvation in His people,*

thanks to the forgiveness of their sins.

For our God is full of mercy and mercy,*

He visits us like a brilliant dawn.

To shine a light on those who are huddled in the darkness of death,*

and guide us to the path of peace.



I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live even if he dies. And whoever lives and believes in Me, will not die forever.


Prayer Request

Almighty God the Father has raised Jesus Christ from the dead and will raise our mortal bodies as well. Let us ask Him and cry out:

A: O Lord, make us alive in Christ.

Q: Holy Father, because of baptism, we died and were buried with Your Son and were raised again thanks to His resurrection,* may we enter a new life with Christ.

Q: Father organizer, You have given us the bread of life that came down from heaven, as a provision for our journey on this earth,* may we have eternal life and be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection.

Q: O Lord, You have sent an angel to strengthen Your Son in the throes of death,* comfort us with firm hope, when our death comes.

Q: You have released the three young men from the midst of the fire,* free the souls of the dead from the punishment of sin.

Q: God of the living and the dead, You raised Jesus from the dead,* raised those who had died, and received us also in eternal glory with them.


Our Father .....


Closing pray

Lord, the source of life, you have confirmed our faith by the resurrection of your Son from the dead. Also confirm our hope in waiting for the resurrection of Your servant (name of the soul for which we pray…) For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who is alive…



God, You are the happiness of the believers, You are the One who redeemed us with the death and resurrection of Your Son. Your servant ( say the name of the soul you are praying for …) believes in the mystery of the resurrection. Have mercy on him and grant him eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Lord, the beginning and the end of human life, we ask Your mercy for Your servant ( mention the name of the soul for which you are praying … In this world you have accepted him into your people; may you give him a place of peace and light in the hereafter with your saints. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Some people who died:

Good Father, our creator and redeemer, Your Son has overcome death and entered into Your glory. May Your servants ( state the names of the souls for whom they are prayed for … and…) also overcome death and look to You for ever and ever. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Brothers, relatives and donors:

God of mercy and savior of mankind, we ask Your mercy for the souls of our brothers, relatives and donors. May thanks to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints you receive them in eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Q: May God bless us, protect us from sin and lead us to eternal life.

A: Amen.

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father...)


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