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Afternoon Worship/Afternoon Office  spirit

Image by Rafael Macedo

Sign of the cross (In the name of the Father,..)



P : Yes, Allah, hasten to help me.

U: Lord, pay attention to Your servant.



almighty king

Christ the glorious hero

You have defeated

The awesomeness of death.


By rising from the grave

You managed to melt

Deadly sin and the devil

And restore hope.


We ask for faith

The steadfast, unshakeable

That life must win

Fight the invading death.


Call this brother

Who preceded us

Welcome in Your love

To be happy always. Amen.


Ant.1: The Lord protects you from all misfortune, He guards your life.

Psalm 120 (121)


I look up to the Mountain,*

where can I get help from?


My help from God,*

who made the heavens and the earth.


He will not let your feet stumble,*

that keeps you from falling asleep.


Truly, will not drowsy and fall asleep,*

guarding Israel.


God protects and protects you,*

Most high is your strength.


The sun will not hurt you during the day,*

and the moon at night.


The Lord protects you from all misfortune,*

He takes care of your life.


The Lord watches over all your conduct,*

now and forever.


Ant.1: The Lord protects you from all misfortune, He guards your life.


Ant.2: If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?

Psalm 129 (130)


From the abyss I cry out to you, O Lord,*

My Lord, hear my cry.


Let your ears pay attention,*

to my cry.


If Thou shalt number faults, O Lord,*

who can survive?


But thank you for being forgiving,*

so that people serve You with piety.


I hope in God,*

my heart longs for His word.


My heart waits for my Lord,*

more than guards waiting for the dawn.


More than watchmen wait for the dawn,*

Israel waited for God.


For in the Lord is steadfast love,*

and abundant redemption.


It is the Lord who will deliver Israel,*

of all his faults.


Ant.2: If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?


Ant.3: As the Father raises the dead and brings life to life, so the Son gives life to whom He wills.

FL 2.6-11


Although in the form of God,+

Christ Jesus will not hold fast,*

in His glory equal to God.


He has emptied himself,+

by taking the state of the servant,*

and become the same as humans.


He appeared as a man and humbled himself,+

for being obedient unto death,*

to death on the cross.


Therefore God exalted him,+

and bestowed upon Him,*

a name that surpasses all names.


That in the name of Jesus,+

every knee should bend,*

in high heaven, on earth and under the earth.


That every tongue may acknowledge,+

to the glory of God the Father,*

Lord Jesus Christ.


Ant.3: As the Father raises the dead and brings life to life, so the Son gives life to whom He wills.


Short Reading (1 Cor 15.55-57)

O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who has given us victory thanks to Jesus Christ our Lord.


Short Song

Q: In You I take refuge, O Lord,* I will not be disappointed. U: To you. Q: I will rejoice and rejoice in Your mercy. U: I will not be disappointed. Q: Glory. U: To you.



Q: By Your mercy, O Lord,* Give them eternal rest. U: Demi. Q: You will come to judge the living and the dead. U: Give them eternal rest. Q: Glory. U: Demi.


Ant.Song: Everything the Father gives me will come to me. Whoever comes to Me, I will not reject.


THE SONG OF MARY (Luke 1.46-5)


I glorify God,*

my heart rejoices in Allah, my savior.


For he cares for me,*

His humble servant.


From now on I am called: the happy one,*

by all nations.


For the Almighty has done great works for me,*

holy is his name.


His love for generations,*

to the pious.


Mighty is the work of his hand,*

He scatters the proud in heart


He has lowered those in power from the throne,*

which he despised.


He fills the hungry with goodness,*

He threw rich people away empty handed


According to his promise to our fathers,*

God has helped Israel, His servant.


By his love for Abraham and his descendants,*

for ever.


Ant.Song: Everything the Father gives me will come to me. Whoever comes to Me, I will not reject.


Prayer Request

Christ will change our mortal bodies into the likeness of His glorious body. Let us cry out to Him and say:

A: You are our life and resurrection, O Lord.

Q: Christ, Son of the living God, You raised Your friend Lazarus from the dead,* raised up all those who have died to eternal life and glory.

Q: Christ, comforter of the mournful, when Lazarus the youth of Naim and daughter of Jairus died, You wiped away the tears of their relatives,* comfort all those who mourn the loss of relatives.

Q: Christ the savior, destroy the power of sin that brings death,* so that we are worthy to receive eternal life in You.

Q: Christ, our redeemer, remember all those who have no hope because they have not known you,* that they may believe in the resurrection and will live forever.

Q: You have restored the sight of people who were born blind so that they can see Your glory,* show Your face to the spirits who have not seen Your light until now.

Q: You desire that our earthly dwellings be finally demolished,* prepare for us an eternal dwelling in heaven.


Our Father


Closing pray

Lord, the source of life, You have confirmed our faith by the resurrection of Your Son from the dead. Strengthen also our hope in waiting for the resurrection of Your servant… For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives…



God, You are the happiness of the believers, You are the One who redeemed us with the death and resurrection of Your Son. Your servant… believes in the mystery of the resurrection. Have mercy on him and grant him eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Lord, the beginning and the end of human life, we ask for Your mercy for Your servant… In this world You have accepted Him into Your people; May you give him a place of peace and light in the hereafter with your saints. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Some of the people who died:

Good Father, our creator and redeemer, Your Son has overcome death and entered into Your glory. May Your servants (… and…) also overcome death and look to You for ever and ever. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Brothers, relatives and donors:

God of mercy and savior of mankind, we ask Your mercy for the souls of our brothers, relatives and donors. May thanks to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints you receive them in eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Q: May God bless us, protect us from sin and lead us to eternal life.

A: Amen.


Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father...)



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