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Daily Worship / Spirit Afternoon Office

Sign of the cross (In the name of the Father,..)


P : Yes, Allah, hasten to help me.

U: Lord, pay attention to Your servant.



God Almighty

Day and night You set

Dark light turns

Alternate sequentially.


The approaching twilight

Symbolizes the end of life

Which is for the faithful

Unlock eternity.


Please accept our prayers

O God heavenly Father

With Your Son and Spirit

Now and always. Amen.


Ant.1: You are the one who helps and frees me, O Lord, do not be late!

Psalm 69 (70)


O Allah, set me free,*

Lord, hurry to help me.

Let it be ashamed and be ashamed,*

people who want to take my life.

Let it retreat and lose face,*

one who expects my misfortune.

Let it turn with regret,*

the one who says: “Well, feel it!”

Be glad and rejoice in You,*

those who seek You.

Those who love Your salvation,*

should always say: “Great is Allah!”

But I am poor and wretched,*

O Allah, come soon!

You are the one who helps and sets me free,*

O Lord, don't be late!


Ant.1: You are the one who helps and frees me, O Lord, do not be late!


Ant.2: God promises salvation to those he loves.

Psalm 84 (85)


You have pleased your land, O Lord,*

and restore the fate of Jacob.

You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people,*

and forgive all their sins.

You have withdrawn Your wrath,*

and quell the flame of Your wrath.

Restore us, O God of our savior,*

and stop being angry with your people!

Forever will you be angry with us,*

and continue Thy wrath from generation to generation?

Will you not bring us back to life,*

so that your people will rejoice in you?

Show Your steadfast love, O Lord,*

and grant us Your salvation.

I want to hear the word of the Lord,*

God promises salvation to His people;

to those he loves,*

who trusted him again.

Verily, the salvation of God is near to the pious,*

and His glory dwells in our land.

Love and faithfulness will meet,*

justice and salvation will embrace.

Faithfulness will grow from the earth,*

and justice will descend from heaven.

The Lord will pour out rain,*

and our land will produce its crops.

Justice will walk before Him,*

and salvation will follow in His footsteps.


Ant.2: God promises salvation to those he loves.


Ant.3: Lord, you are a merciful and merciful God, pay attention and have mercy on me!

Psalm 85 (86)


Hear my prayer, O Lord, answer me,*

because I am poor and miserable.

Protect me, for I love you,*

save Your servant who believes in You.

You are my God, have mercy on me, my Lord,*

To You I cry all day long.

Make the heart of Your servant glad,*

for to You I turn my heart, O Lord.

For You are kind and forgiving, O my Lord,*

You are merciful to all who call on You.

O Lord, hear my prayer,*

heed my plea.

In the day of trouble I cry out to you,*

because you will surely answer me.

There is no god like You, O my Lord,*

no work is equal to yours.

All nations will come to worship you,*

and will glorify Your name, O my Lord.

How great are You and magnificent are Your works,*

You are God, and there is no other.

Teach me Your statutes, O Lord,*

so that I live faithfully and piety with one heart.

I thank You with all my heart, O God, my Lord,*

and glorify Your name for ever and ever.

For Your steadfast love abounds for me,*

You freed me from hell.

O God, the proud one has risen up against me,+

a bunch of proud people want to take my life,*

they do not heed you.

But you are God, merciful and merciful,+

God who is patient, loving and faithful,*

watch and have mercy on me!

Pour out Your strength to Your servant,*

and save your only son.

Reveal a sign of kindness to me,+

so that my enemies see it and be ashamed,*

May You help and comfort me, O Lord.


Ant.3: Lord, you are a merciful and merciful God, pay attention and have mercy on me!


Short reading (Isa 25,8)

The Lord will destroy death for ever and will wipe away the tears from everyone's faces. He will remove the disgrace of His people from the face of the earth, for thus the Lord has spoken.


Q: Even if walking in the valley of death.

A: I am not afraid of danger, for You are with me.


Closing pray

Lord, the source of life, You have confirmed our faith by the resurrection of Your Son from the dead. Also confirm our hope in waiting for the resurrection of Your servant ( name of the soul in prayer …) For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives…



God, You are the happiness of the believers, You are the One who redeemed us with the death and resurrection of Your Son. Your servant ( the name of the soul that is prayed for …) believes in the mystery of the resurrection. Have mercy on him and grant him eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Lord, the beginning and the end of human life, we ask for Your mercy for Your servant ( state the name of the soul for which you are praying …) In this world you have accepted him into Your people; May you give him a place of peace and light in the hereafter with your saints. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Some of the people who died:

Good Father, our creator and redeemer, Your Son has overcome death and entered into Your glory. May your servants ( state the name of the soul you are praying for   …and…) also overcome death and look to You for ever and ever. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...


Brothers, relatives and donors:

God of mercy and savior of mankind, we ask Your mercy for the souls of our brothers, relatives and donors. May thanks to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints you receive them in eternal happiness. For the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our intercessor, who lives...



Q: Let's praise God.

A: Thanks be to Allah.

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father...)


Image by Maël GRAMAIN
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