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Prayer for Visiting the Grave or Columbarium

Visiting the tomb or columbarium (house of ashes) where family members or relatives are buried is a devout Catholic tradition.  This tradition is usually carried out in November (the month of praying for the spirits), on the anniversary of the death or birthday of the deceased family or relative.  The following prayers can be said when we visit the tomb or columbarium.

Prayer according to the Roman Catholic rite when visiting a tomb or columbarium / house of ashes.


The sign of the cross (In the name of the Father…)


Give holy water, to the tomb or ashes with the following prayer:


“O Allah, in Your Mercy, multiply this spark into as many drops of Holy Water as there are souls in Purgatory and let them not fear the pain of Purgatory, as long as the moisture of the Holy Water is present. May this Holy Water and Your Precious Blood cleanse me from my sins, O Lord, and free the Souls in Purgatory. Amen."

Let's pray:

O Lord, Creator and Deliverer of all believers, listen to our pleas and through Your infinite love and mercy grant to the soul of Your servant ( say the name of the spirit ) who has passed away, forgiveness for all his sins. Bestow upon ( say the name of the spirit ) grace and mercy in Your kingdom.


Our Father…

Hail Mary…


De Profundis (Prayer from the Abyss - Psalm 129/130)


From the depths of the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord, Lord, hear my cry, Let Your ear pay attention to the cry of my prayer. If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand? But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety. I hope in God, my heart expects His word. My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn. More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord! For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance. It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.


Prayer of Eternal Rest


Give them eternal rest ( or say the name of the spirit) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


In the name of the Father...



Doa Kunjungan Makam
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