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Way of the Cross for the Spirits - Adoro Te

The narrative of the way of the cross is taken from the book Doa Adoro Te by Wahjasudibja, A, PR published by Kanisius.

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father.....)


Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, we come to You to remember and meditate on Your passion, when You walked heavily on the way of the Cross and died on the top of Mount Golgotha. We intend this meditation to help the souls, especially those we pray for together tonight and our closest relatives who still need help from us. May they soon be allowed to unite with the Saints in Heaven. Mother Mary, Mother of the souls, save your sons and daughters who are still being tormented in Purgatory. May they, thanks to your blessing, obtain eternal happiness. Amen

Station I: Jesus Sentenced to Death

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus, You were sentenced to death even though you were innocent; the souls in purgatory are punished for their sins.  But You bear the punishment, so that the souls may have eternal life. So please save these spirits and free them from torment, so that they can praise You forever in Heaven. Amen


1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen


Station II: Jesus Carrying the Cross

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus willingly and lovingly You embrace and carry the cross. Likewise the souls receive the punishment You inflicted on them. However, because the torment is very heavy, while they are eager for Your glory, please reduce and lighten their suffering. Amen


1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station III: Jesus First Falls Under the Cross

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus saw You fall on the ground, we then remembered the spirits who rolled in purgatory and were unable to escape. So we want to help them by asking for Your mercy that You spilled when You fell in the middle of the road. Amen


1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station IV: Jesus meets His Mother

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Our Lady, how sad it is for you to see your Son on the road to Golgotha carrying that heavy Cross. Mother Mary, at that time you must have wanted to help your Son, ease the burden of His suffering. But you are forbidden to come near. Mother Mary, now you can and may lighten the burden of the suffering of your sons and daughters who groan in purgatory. Our Lady, the spirits are your sons and daughters! And it is enough that you want it, of course soon the spirits will be helped. Have pity on them, Mother. Amen


1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station V: Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus, you are no longer strong enough to carry the cross. Your power has run out. We cannot help you like Simon. We can only help carry the cross of those who are in purgatory by mortifying ourselves and restraining ourselves with a plea to You, that You may ease the burden of their suffering. Amen


1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station VI: Veronika Wipes Jesus' Face

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus, Veronika who wipes Your face instantly receives a great reward, namely a painting of Your face.  Even though the spirits in purgatory in their lives intend to be loyal to serve You and love You, even though they often make mistakes, big or small. So we ask, give them immediately the reward that You have prepared in Heaven. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station VII: Jesus Falls the Second Time

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Q: Lord Jesus, you fell a second time in the middle of the road. Now we know the gravity of sin, which caused You to suffer so much. Now we know how heavy the torments in purgatory are borne by the spirits at the wisdom of the Most Holy God, who hates all sins even the smallest. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station VIII: Jesus Comforts Weeping Mothers

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  


Q: Lord Jesus, you comfort the mothers who weep for you. But you yourself do not care about your suffering. You are simply moved by the grief of others. Lord Jesus, now we hear the cries and groans of the spirits.  We beg you, pay attention to them and comfort them by reducing their suffering. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station IX: Jesus Falls the Third Time

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  

Q: Lord Jesus, now you have fallen three times because your strength has run out.
How great is that sin, that you are insulted, laughed at and ridiculed by the crowd. You humbled yourself, so that your creation might be exalted. You want to be laughed at and ridiculed so that Your servants have honor.  In view of Your love, we ask that You, the merciful, have mercy on our brothers and sisters who may still be suffering in purgatory, so that the humiliation of them will stop and they will be glorified. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station X: Jesus' Clothes Take Off

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  


Q: Lord Jesus, now you have nothing. You have given everything to mankind.  You are really very poor. Even the souls have nothing but You who are their only hope. Lord Jesus, may their hope not be delayed and may You be pleased to release them from that place of torment right now. Amen.

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station XI: Jesus is Crucified

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  

Q: Lord Jesus, how heavy was Your suffering, when You hung on the cross. Your feet and hands are glued to the wood until the veins shrivel. We hear Your word, "O you passing by, behold, is there any suffering similar to mine?"
Lord Jesus, there is indeed a tribulation similar to Yours, namely the suffering of the souls who longed to be united with You. Lord Jesus, have mercy on the spirits, and grant their supplications. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station XII: Jesus Dies on the Cross

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  


Q: Lord Jesus, You are now hanging on the Cross, the first New Testament altar. You offer Your life to the Father as an atonement for our sins, so that we can return to the Father's house. You have also given the signal to the repentant thief, "Today you may enter Paradise with me." Lord Jesus, please also now say to the spirits, "Today you may enter Paradise with me."  Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station XIII: Jesus is taken down from the cross

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  


Q: The most holy body of Jesus was taken down from the cross, and was cleansed by Mary and the disciples. 
Lord Jesus, You are now enthroned in Heaven. Purify the souls from all stains of sin, so that You may enter Heaven with glory. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Station XIV: Jesus Buried

Q: We prostrate to worship and praise  You,  yes Christ
A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world  


Q: The body of the most holy Jesus was then buried.  Who carried out some of the disciples and His Mother and Mary Magdalene.
The soul of Jesus has entered the waiting place of the ancestors.  How happy they were now to be allowed into glory. 
Lord Jesus, it is also pleasing that You help and comfort the spirits, so that You may soon allow them to unite with You in Your glory in Heaven. Amen

1 x Our Father

1 x Hail Mary

1 x Glory

P: Lord, have mercy on us
U: Christ, have mercy on us
Q: Lord, forgive the spirits in purgatory.
U: Amen

Closing pray

Lord Jesus, we thank You for allowing You to follow Your footsteps along the way of the Cross, and You also allow to help the spirits who are suffering from torment.
Merciful Lord, have mercy on the souls in purgatory. Amen

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father...) 

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father...)

Way of the Cross for the Spirits 

Statement of Repentance

Oh Lord! I love you above all. 
I hate all my sins because with them I have hurt You.
The sacred indulgences, fruits and graces of this devotion, we offer to the souls in Purgatory, especially to those we love and live close to, for those we pray for together today and for those for whom we are especially obliged to pray .
O Mary, Mother of mercy and Mother of souls in Purgatory, come to accompany us on this journey with your help.

Station I: Jesus Sentenced to Death

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


O sinless Jesus, to deliver us from eternal death, You allowed yourself to be condemned to death on the cross. Give us the hatred of sin and the grace to live righteously so that one day we may obtain a merciful judgment from You. 
The souls suffering in Purgatory have passed the judgment and in Your mercy they have escaped Hell. Yet because of their sins, Your justice still punishes them in Purgatory. O merciful Jesus, have mercy on them. Be pleased to end the punishment that alienated them and open the gates of Heaven for them.


Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace .


Station II: Jesus carried His cross to Mount Calvary

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


O holy cross, the tree of life, the gate of heaven, our salvation and only hope. 
Be our salvation at death. O Jesus, remember Your servants who have died in faith in You. Deliver them by the victorious power of your cross, for by your cross you have conquered death.
Lead them to eternal life and happiness.


Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station III: Jesus first fell under His cross

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Through the grace of Your first fall under the cross, grant us perseverance in good will so that we may always walk faithfully in Your holy path. Today, the souls in Purgatory suffer because they neglect and abuse Your grace in life. They now realize that no one can meet God with a sin-stained soul. So have mercy on them and cleanse them from all sin. By the intercession of Your mourning Mother, deliver them from Purgatory.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station IV: Jesus meets His Mother

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

O Heart of Mary! O Heart of Jesus! We offer our lives as reparation for our sins. May the sweetest names of Jesus and Mary, we pronounce on our lips and dwell in our hearts at the time of our death. "O sweetest Heart of Jesus, we ask that we may love You more and more. "Sweet Heart of Mary, be our salvation."  Sorrowful Mother, merciful queen of Sacred Souls, into your hands we commit the little goodness we have and unite it with the infinite goodness of your Son and offer it to the eternal God for souls who have a relationship with we.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for ) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station V: Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


O Jesus, we accept and embrace our cross. Allow us to help carry Your cross, patiently in all the trials that may strike us. How many souls in Purgatory now regret their past impatience! But You, O Lord, have mercy on them and forgive the consequences of their sins.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Stop VI: Veronika wipes Jesus' face


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


Lord Jesus Christ, You who have left the image of Your face in the stain of Your blood on Veronica's cloth, give so that the memory of Your bitter suffering and death can continue to be imprinted in our souls. Have mercy on the poor souls, who have been created in Your image and likeness and have been redeemed with Your Most Precious Blood. Deliver them from all sin so that they can enter Heaven, to look at You directly forever and ever.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station VII: Jesus falls a second time

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


Our sins burden Your cross, O Jesus. We hated those sins and firmly decided to change our lives.
Don't let us separate from You again. O Jesus, have mercy on the souls who are now suffering pain in Purgatory because of the mortal sins they committed in life. O loving Heart of Jesus, have mercy on them


Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest ( or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station VIII: Jesus comforts the weeping women


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


The very merciful heart of Jesus! Jesus, who said to the women: "Do not weep for Me, but weep for yourself and for your children," make us  cry out of ungratefulness, which we give in return for Your love. We want to atone for our sins in this life, so that we can obtain forgiveness for those sins in the life to come. Give us tender love for the souls in Purgatory, especially for the souls of our relatives. In the future we promise to do things that we have neglected because of our negligence and neglected because of our hardness of heart.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station IX: Jesus falls the third time


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Through this very painful fall, O Jesus, we ask You to deliver us from the unhappy death, which will plunge us into Hell. Deliver our immortal souls from the forces of the enemy and make us live and die in Your grace. Look with compassion on the poor souls who are paying the penalty for sin in Purgatory, with their tears and prayers for Your help and mercy. Hear their prayers and lead them out of the place of punishment to the heavenly peace of blessing to enjoy the splendor of Your glory forever.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest ( or mention the name of the soul being prayed for ) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.

Station X: Jesus' clothes are taken off

Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


My most blessed Redeemer, stripped of Your garments for love of me, grant me modesty and holy chastity. Deliver me from all danger of the tendency to be attached to false things: make me die for everything in this world, that at the time of death it may be easy for me to be detached from all worldly things. What is the use of the riches and pleasures of this world for the souls in Purgatory now? They must leave their bodies to the worms and their wealth to their heirs; only the deeds of those who follow them, the good will be rewarded, the evil will be punished. O Lord, end their sufferings, draw them near to the inheritance of the saints and forgive and accept them into eternal joy and happiness.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

A: Allah forgive us sinners.

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station XI: Jesus nailed to the cross


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


Innocent Jesus, nailed to the cross for our sins, we ask You, by the grace of Your terrible suffering, to come to our aid in our final pain and suffering. Give us the grace to receive the holy sacraments in due time. Come to us then, O most Holy Viaticum, and pour into our souls the patience of Your Most Sacred Heart! And you, O Mary, our Mother, comfort us in that hour and make our suffering sweet, through the sorrow that pierced your heart at the crucifixion. Lamb of God, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, whose suffering is greater than that of the sick and dying. Save them from their suffering, and through the grace of Your suffering accept them into eternal abode.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

U: Allah forgive us sinners

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station XII: Jesus died on the cross


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


For the sake of the three hours of Your passion on the cross, O Jesus, grant us a happy death. Take us when we are most ready and fill our souls with the holy power of faith, hope and love. Grant us complete and complete contrition for our sins and the grace to accept with Christian surrender our death with all its pain and suffering. Allow us to leave this world by calling on Your Most Holy Name. Our Lady, Mother of mourning, refuge of dying souls, is near to us in the last time of suffering. O dear Jesus, remember poor souls with love as when You comforted the kind thief: “Today you will be with Me in Heaven.” Call these souls into the kingdom of Your glory, so that they may praise You with all the angels and saints. forever.

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

U: Allah forgive us sinners

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station XIII: The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world


Jesus, You whose soul truly descended to the underworld to proclaim peace to the righteous from the Old Testament, come down now to the poor souls who long for You; deliver them from the shackles of their bondage and grant them the true freedom of the children of God! O Mary, our Mother, may we, like Jesus, be placed in your arms when we leave this world. Come with us in the court of the Divine Judge so that by your intercession we may obtain a favorable sentence. Sweet Heart of Mary be our salvation!

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

U: Allah forgive us sinners

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Station XIV: Jesus is buried


Q: We worship You, O Lord and thank You

A: For with Your holy cross You have redeemed the world

Jesus, through the grace of Your bitter passion and death and through Your glorious Resurrection, we ask You, have mercy on poor souls and allow them to be happily and gloriously received in Heaven. Let them enter into the peace they so long for; let them gaze upon the splendor of the sight of heavenly perfection; let them be grateful for Your mercy forever.

Sweet Heart of Mary, be our salvation,” when we must be condemned to that place of torment, when our bodies will be in the cold earth and our souls in Purgatory. Very loving mother, on that day save your child. Bring us help immediately and through your merits, deliver us from the flames, so that we may thank you in Heaven, and with you and all the saints, praise and love Jesus, your beloved Son, who is with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the true God , live and reign, now and forever. Amen

Q: Have mercy on God, have mercy on us.

U: Allah forgive us sinners

1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul being prayed for ) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace.


Closing pray:

Crucified Redeemer, we offer this devotion, which in Your grace we have just completed. Grant that the precious fruits of Your death on the cross may not be lost to us or to the souls in Purgatory. 

Mother Mary, Mother of Sorrows, place our petition in the Heart of your beloved Son, that we may be accepted into the kingdom of grace, where together with our loved ones, both living and dead, we are blessed forever. 

O very Meek Heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, always filled with a burning love for the poor souls of the captives in Purgatory, have mercy on them. 
Do not be harsh in Your judgments but let a few drops of Your Precious Blood fall on the devouring fire and You, O merciful Savior, send Your angels to bring them to a place of rest, light and peace. Amen


Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on them. Amen

Sign of the Cross (In the name of the Father..)


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