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Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko
Offering Indulgences to Spirits

Souls in Purgatory experience purification from unrepentant sins, from the effects of sin that still exist and from worldliness that still hinders unity.  them with God.  They can only enter Heaven after they are clean and there are no ties to worldly things that prevent their union with God so that God becomes everything to them.  Their longing to unite with  God and the realization of their unworthiness made them suffer. We can relieve their suffering and punishment by praying and offering indulgences for them.


According to KHK 992-994, indulgences are the removal before God of temporary punishments for  sins whose guilt has been melted away, which is obtained by the Christian believer who has the disposition  good and meet certain requirements outlined and formulated, obtained with the help of the Church, which as the minister of salvation, authoritatively liberates and applies the treasures of the restoration of Christ and the Saints. Indulgences are partial or full, depending on whether they absolve part or all of the temporary punishment caused by sin. Every believer can obtain indulgences, whether partial or full, for himself or apply them as supplications for those who have died.


In order to obtain indulgences one must  already baptized, not exposed to excommunication, in a state of grace at least at the end of the deeds that were ordered (KHK996). Partial indulgences can be obtained by individuals with   conditions: have/state the intention/intention to get indulgences;  the individual must be in a state of grace  (repent of all sins), and say a prayer or perform a prescribed deed to obtain indulgences. While the conditions for obtaining a full indulgence are fulfilling all the requirements of a partial indulgence plus receiving the sacrament of penance, receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist, praying for the intentions of the Pope. (can be fulfilled by praying 1 x Our Father, 1 x Hail Mary or  other devotional prayers).   Full indulgences can only be obtained once a day while partial indulgences can be obtained as many times as desired. A list of prayers and activities that can be done to obtain indulgences can be found here.


Let's do and give this indulgence to the souls in Purgatory. Especially this November which is dedicated specifically to praying for them so that their sentence is shortened and they can soon be united with God. 

Syarat Indulgensi Penuh
Indulgensi Sebagian
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