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Novena of the Spirit of the Prayer of St. Mathilda

Novena Arwah

St. Mathilda was born into a noble family around 895 in Westphalia, Germany.  He was raised by his grandmother who was an abbot. At the age of 18, she married King Henry I of Germany and had 5 children including King Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.


St. Mathilda received a personal revelation from Our Lady on how to pray the Three Hail Marys in honor of the Most Holy Trinity:

The first Hail Mary is to honor God the Father whose omnipotence raised my soul so high above all creatures that after God, I have the most powerful force in Heaven and on Earth.  At the time of your death, I will use the power of God the Father to guard you from all evil forces.


The second Hail Mary is in honor of God the Son, who imparted His unsearchable wisdom to me.  At the time of your death, I will fill your soul with that light of wisdom so that all darkness of ignorance and guilt will disappear.


The third Hail Mary is to honor God the Holy Spirit who fills my soul with the sweetness of His love and tenderness and mercy.  At the end of your life, I will turn the bitterness of death into divine sweetness and joy.


After King Henry I died, St. Mathilda continues to do good deeds. He founded several Benedictine monasteries, visited the sick and taught. St Mathilda died on March 14, 968 at the Quedlinburg Abbey in Germany and is buried there with her husband.


The following is the Lord's Prayer for the deliverance of souls in Purgatory given to St. Mathilda is prayer number 1-7, prayer number 8 and 9 is a personal prayer to St. Mathilda is added to form a novena.




1. Our Father who is in heaven.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive the poor souls who are Your creations, even though they do not love You, have rejected You and dishonored You. For the sake of repentance and redemption, we offer You the sacrifice of all the virtues of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.


2. Blessed be Your name.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive the poor souls who do not glorify Your holy name and often abuse it. For the sake of repentance and redemption, we offer You the sacrifice of all the words that Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, spoke during his life on earth to glorify Your name.


3. Come thy kingdom.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive poor souls who do not have passion and a burning love and longing for Your holy kingdom. For the sake of repentance and redemption, we offer You the sacrifice of all the love of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who wants everyone to be accepted into Your holy kingdom.


4. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive those poor souls who do not submit sincerely to Your holy will, those who often follow their own will. By the Divine heart of Jesus and His great obedience.


5. Give us sustenance this day, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have wronged us.

We humbly ask You, eternal, benevolent and merciful Father, to forgive poor souls who are burdened with sins because they do not love their enemies and do not want to forgive them. For the sake of repentance and redemption, we offer You the sacrifice of the holy words of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as He said on the cross: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.


6. And let us not fall into temptation.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive those poor souls who do not struggle with great trials, but succumb to the temptations of Satan, which hastens destruction. For the sake of repentance and redemption, we offer You all the obedience, toil and all the bitter suffering and death that our Lord Jesus Christ endured.


7. But deliver us from evil.

We humbly ask You, eternal Father, benevolent and merciful, to forgive poor souls and lead them together with Jesus Christ into Your glorious kingdom, for You are the glory.


8. By the example of St. Mathilda who shows great generosity towards others by sharing all her wealth, let us show our generosity to others and break away from worldly attachments like St. Mathilda to prepare our souls for the Kingdom of God. Oh St. Mathilda, be a mediator for us to God to get away from the temptations and desires of this world to maintain our loving relationship with Jesus.


9. St. Dear Mathilda, who helps in all kinds of troubles especially for those you love, help us to keep our hope in Jesus in the difficulties we face in this life and fill us with special graces to keep us rejoicing and having faith. St. Mathilda who once reminded your son not to focus on worldly vanities by saying “My son if you stand on your father's throne, remember that you too will one day descend into his grave.  Teach us to break away from the things of the world and prioritize the search for the Kingdom of God wherein lies our eternal good in the love of God the Father. Amen.


Source:,Mathilda&text=%E2%80%9CThe%20first%20Hail% 20Mary%20will,any%20hostile%20power%20from%20you .

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