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Novena to the Spirits of St. Alphonsus Liguori



St. Alfonsus Liguori (1696-1787) was a bishop, founder of the Redemptorist Order and  also a Doctor of the Church.  St. Consciousness Alphonsus of his sins made him  looking at the task  praying for the souls of believers as one of the main tasks in Christian acts of mercy.  As part of the union of saints (the union that occurs between living Christians / visiting churches, the spirits of Christians in Heaven / the happy Church and the spirits of Christians in Purgatory / suffering churches), living Christians can reduce suffering souls in Purgatory and hastening their access to Heaven by offering mass sacrifices, prayers and  make up for it.  And with confidence in salvation through Christ's sacrifice, these spirits, in turn, can pray for those of us who are still alive (the church who are still on pilgrimage), in order to endure to the end and avoid the fires of Hell.

Order of prayer in the novena:


1. The sign of the cross

2. Daily Novena Prayers

3. The Lord's Prayer

4. Hail Mary Prayer

5. Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory

6. God's prayer, give them eternal rest

7. The sign of the cross


On the last day of the novena (the ninth day) was added the Prayer De Profundis (Prayer from the Deep Abyss I Call - Psalm 129 /130).  This prayer can also be added at the end of the daily novena (before the sign of the closing cross) because by praying this prayer a partial indulgence can be obtained.

Daily Prayer


First day:

O Jesus, my Saviour, so many times I deserve to be cast into hell. How much suffering would I be in if I were dumped now and couldn't help but realize that I was the one who caused my curse and suffering.

I thank you for your patience with me. My Lord, I love You more than anything and I am truly sorry that I have hurt You, You are infinite goodness.  I'd rather die than hurt you again.  Give me the grace of endurance. Have mercy on me as well as for the blessed souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


The second day

Woe to me, unhappy creature, many years I have spent on earth but have gained nothing but Hell!

I'm grateful to you, yeah  Lord, for giving me time to repent of my sins.  My good God, I'm really sorry that I hurt You.  Give me Your help so I can use the time I have left to love and serve You. Have mercy on me as well as for the blessed souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


The third day

Oh, my God! You are infinite goodness, I love You more than anything and repent of all my transgressions  to you with all my heart.  Grant me the holy grace of endurance. Have mercy on me as well as for the blessed souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


The fourth day

Oh, my God! You are infinite goodness, with all my heart I regret that  have hurt me.  I promise I'd rather die than hurt you again.  Grant me the holy grace of endurance. Have mercy on me and also the holy souls who are burning in purgatory and Your love. Mother Mary, Mother of God, help them with your powerful prayers.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


Fifth day

Woe to me, this unhappy being, O Lord, if You cast me into the eternal Hell for there is no deliverance from eternal suffering in that dungeon.

I love You more than anything, O infinite God, and I am truly sorry that I have hurt You again.  Grant me the holy grace of endurance. Have mercy on me and also the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


Sixth Day

My Divine Redeemer, You died on the Cross for me and have repeatedly united You with me in Holy Communion but I have rewarded You with ungratefulness.

Now, I love You more than anything, Yes  Almighty God. And I'm more  sad because  my transgressions against You than any other evil. I'd rather die than hurt you again. Grant me the holy grace of endurance. Have mercy on me and also the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


Seventh day

O Lord, merciful Father, satisfy the strong desires of the souls in Purgatory  this.  Send your holy angel to them  to notify  that You, their Father, have now made peace with them through the suffering and death of Jesus, and that the hour of their deliverance has come. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


Eighth Day

Oh, my God! I, one of the ungrateful beings who have received so much from Your grace but  don't appreciate Your love so you deserve to be thrown to Hell.  But until now Your infinite goodness has saved me.

Now, I love You more than anything and I am sorry with all my heart that I have hurt You.  I'd rather die than hurt you again. Grant me the holy grace of endurance. Have mercy on me and also the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May eternal light illuminate them.


Ninth Day

Oh, my God! How could I have years in peace  have lived a life apart from You and Your holy grace! Yes  Infinite kindness, how long your patience with me.  Then I will love You more than anything.  I'm so sorry for hurting You, I promise I'd rather die than hurt You again. Grant me the holy grace of endurance and do not let me fall into sin again. Have mercy on the holy souls in Purgatory. I pray to You to ease their suffering and shorten the time of their suffering and call them to You in Heaven immediately so that they can see Your face and love You forever. Mother Mary, Mother of God, come to their aid with your mighty help and pray for us who are still in danger of eternal death.


1 X Our Father

1 X Hail Mary

1 X Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirit in Purgatory.


Give them eternal rest, O Lord. May the eternal light illuminate them

Prayer to the Suffering Savior for the Spirits in Purgatory.


Q: Yes  Dear Jesus, through the sweat of blood that You suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on  these blessed souls. 

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Q: Dear Jesus, through the pain You suffered during Your fierce scourging, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Q: Yes  Dear Jesus, through the pain You suffer from Your very painful crown of thorns, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Q: Yes  Dear Jesus, through the pain You suffered in carrying Your cross to Calvary, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Dear Jesus, through the pain You suffered during Your most cruel crucifixion, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Q: Dear Jesus, through the pain You suffered in Your bitter death on the Cross, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.

Q: Yes  Dear Jesus, through the excruciating pain You suffered when you gave Your holy soul, have mercy on  these blessed souls.

U: Have pity on them, will you  Lord.


(State your Intentions and ask the holy souls in purgatory to help pray to God the intention you want to get).


Holy souls, we have prayed for you; We ask you, whom God loves dearly and who will certainly never lose Him, to pray for us these unworthy sinners, who are still in danger of being cursed and in danger of losing God forever. Amen.


In this prayer we commemorate the passion of Christ in accordance with the sad events that are prayed for in the Rosary. We ask the holy souls whose salvation is guaranteed, to pray for us to turn from our mistakes and sins so that our souls are saved.  We also offer our intentions, - for example to someone who has died, to a deceased family or relative. Or for the souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them.

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Call - Psalm 129/130)


From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,

Lord hear my cry,

Let your ears pay attention to my cry.

If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?

But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.

I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.

My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.

More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!

For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.

It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.


P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord

U: And may the eternal light illuminate them

Q: From the gates of Hell

U: Free their souls, O Lord

P: Lord hear our prayers

U: And let my cry reach You


Let's pray:

O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants, that with our prayers they may get the forgiveness they long for. O Allah, Who lives and reigns, forever and ever. May they rest in peace. Amen.


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