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Novena for the Souls of the Faithful

This novena can be prayed at any time of the year but the faithful are accustomed to pray the Novena of the Spirit starting on November 1 (All Saints' Day) to mark the start of the month for souls in Purgatory.  There are also those who pray for him starting on October 24 in preparation for the Day of the Spirits of All Faithful People (November 2).  This novena can also be prayed for the spirits of family/relatives who have recently died or prayed before the anniversary of the death of the family/relative spirits. 




Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

Many of us mourn the death of our family and relatives. You know the depth of our suffering in sorrow and You give us great hope through Your mercy for us. Your justice demands that all souls be completely purified before entering into the presence of Your glory, and You graciously allow us to share in this mystery through our prayers for the souls.


A: We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of those we love and for whom we pray in this novena.

May we grow in our trust in You every day. Help us to surrender our lives completely to You, even in the midst of our pain and suffering.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

You have blessed us with many friendships and relationships that bring holiness to our lives. The death of a loved one is a difficult and sad time, but we are comforted in the hope that our loved ones are waiting for their eternal rest with You. And we can help those we love in Purgatory with our prayers.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of those we love and for whom we pray in this novena.

May we grow in love for You and appreciation for Your goodness. Help us to surrender ourselves to You every day.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

Your priests have chosen to devote themselves to You in a special way in life. Their task is not easy, and on many occasions, they are unable to fulfill Your will for them. Look with compassion on the souls of the priests who have died and are waiting to enter Heaven.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of the priests who have passed away and the souls of those we pray for in this novena.

Help us to always try to follow You and get closer to You every day. May we be more like You in every opportunity.  


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

Many men and women have chosen to devote their lives to You in the path of a holy vocation by celibate or monastic life. Many of them live their calling well and serve You faithfully. But they are also humans with weaknesses and many of those who have died are still suffering in Purgatory while waiting to be allowed to enter Heaven.


A: We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of the monks, nuns and lay celibates who have passed away and the souls of those whom we pray for in this novena.

Help us to trust in Your mercy and goodness every day. May we grow more and more in true devotion to You.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

No one knows, the day and time when You will call, when life in this world ends. Many have met their sudden death and have not had time to prepare their souls for Your righteous judgment. We ask you to bestow your great mercy on all those who have died suddenly .


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of those who died suddenly and the souls of those whom we pray for in this novena.

May every day we always remember the ultimate goal of our lives which is to unite with You. Help us to always be ready to meet and unite with You at all times.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

You long for everyone to turn to You, and You give each of us the opportunity to grow in a deep relationship with You. Even when we rejected You many times throughout our lives, You continued to show Your mercy to us and You allowed us to be friends with You again.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of those who have just turned to You at the last moment of their life on earth and the souls of those whom we pray for in this novena.

May we grow in our desire to always be one with You. Help us live our lives every day with an awareness of our ultimate destiny.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

Throughout our lives, You have given each of us many opportunities to prepare to meet You at the final judgment. You are happy when we make good use of these opportunities, as we seek to grow in holiness and follow You.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls who have died happily because they can rest with You and the souls of those whom we pray for in this novena.

May we always prioritize growth in holiness and virtue in our lives. Help us to use every opportunity You give us to prepare for our final judgment.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

In this world, we make many bad choices and often distance us from You. But You, are true Good, You are able to bring good out of every situation. In Your merciful grace, You are able to take the spirits to Heaven with You after they have asked Your forgiveness as well as the souls of those who have committed many grave mistakes during their life on earth.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls of those who are filled with regret for their lives when they die and their souls for whom we pray in this novena.

May we live in true union with You every day. Help us to grow in love for You and in wanting to please You in our lives.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen



Opening Prayer


Q: Loving Father, we believe in Your infinite goodness. We praise Your justice and ask Your mercy for all the holy souls who suffer in Purgatory while they wait for the eternal rest of Heaven with You.

Everyone is precious to You and You long to take us all to Heaven with You. Yet many people leave this world without friends or family praying for their souls. These poor souls must wait for Your mercy and our prayers while they suffer in Purgatory.


A : We ask You to take all the holy souls in Purgatory to an eternal Heavenly resting place with You, especially the souls who have no one to pray for them and their souls for whom we pray in this novena.

May we grow in virtue and love, out of love for You. Help us to be closer to You and stronger in our desire to follow You every day.


Litany of Peace of Soul for Believers


Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, have mercy on us.
U: Christ, have mercy on us.
Q: Lord, have mercy on us.
U: Lord, have mercy on us.
Q: Christ, listen to us.
U: Christ, please answer our prayer
Q: God the Father in Heaven,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Redeemer Son of the world,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Spirit,
U: have mercy on us.
Q: God the Holy Trinity, God Almighty,
U: have mercy on us.

Q: Saint Mary.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Joseph.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St Michael, archangels and angels.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St John the Baptist.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: St. Peter and Paul. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All Apostles and Evangelists. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers
Q: All the Saints in heaven. R.
U: Pray for the souls of the believers

P: Share….(state the name of the soul you are praying for)
U: Give him eternal rest, O Lord

De Profundis Prayer (Prayer from the Abyss I Cry-Psalm 129/130)

From the abyss I cry out to You, O Lord,
Lord hear my cry,
Let your ears pay attention to my cry.
If You count the faults, O Lord, who can stand?
But thanksgiving You love to forgive, so that people serve You with piety.
I hope in God, my heart hopes for His word.
My heart waits for my Lord, more than a watchman waits for the dawn.
More than watchmen waiting for the dawn, Israel waiting for the Lord!
For it is in the Lord that lovingkindness and redemption abound in abundance.
It was God who delivered Israel from all her iniquities.

P: Give them eternal rest, O Lord
U: And may the eternal light illuminate them
Q: From the gates of Hell
U: Free their souls, O Lord
P: Lord hear our prayers
U: And let my cry reach You


Closing pray


O Lord, Creator and Redeemer of all believers, we ask You to grant forgiveness of sins to the souls of Your servants. May it be with our prayers that they may get the forgiveness they long for. Renew our faith in Your Son, whom You raised from the dead and strengthen our hope that our loved ones who have died will share in the resurrection of Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit for all time. Amen

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