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Rosary 100 Requiem

Anna Maria Taigi  was born in Italy on May 29, 1769. His father was Luigi Giannetti and his mother was Maria Masi. At the age of 6, his family moved to Rome because his father's business went bankrupt. When he was 20 years old, he married Domenico Taigi, a man who was pious but had a violent temper.


One day while in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Anna Maria was overcome with inspiration to renounce her world. The worldly futility that he had lived in the form of clothes and ornaments he abandoned and started a new life with self-denial, obedience, patience, humility and mortification. Anna Maria regards marriage as one of Heaven's greatest missions and exercises spiritual obedience of patience and love for her husband and children and carries out her duties as a wife and mother. In this calling, he became a martyr of humility by humbling himself to those around him.

Once, he heard Jesus say in his inner voice: "The greatest good is to be in the midst of the world and yet tread the world under its feet." Jesus also told him, "The greatest virtue is to put to death one's desires." The Blessed Virgin also spoke to him and told him, "Above all, you must devote yourself to doing His will and continually submit to Him in all the circumstances of life and make Him glad to call you, therein lies your special calling. Virtue true is surrendering our will to love God in all things.


Anna often prayed for the souls in purgatory. The prayer he often recites is the 100 requiem rosary. In his spiritual practice, he used to intercede for the Blessed Soul by reciting a hundred requiem. He claimed to have received much heavenly help from God in various circumstances and in need of great spiritual and temporal help. Jesus called Anna Maria to make self-sacrifice and to undergo liberating suffering in the midst of her roles as wife and mother. In an ordinary life, he thrives in purity and holiness.


Blessed Anna Maria Taigi died on June 9, 1837. Years later, her body was exhumed and found undamaged. On May 30, 1920, Pope Benedict XV, beatified Anne Maria by declaring "Blessed" and celebrated every June 9. She is a protector of housewives, mothers, and victims of verbal abuse and abuse from spouses. Here are the prayers he often said for the souls in Purgatory:

Sign of the cross (In the name of the Father,..)

First series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I offer You all the goodness of the suffering and sorrow You endured for our redemption to help the souls in Purgatory. I begin with the Sweat of Blood that comes out of Your Body because of the loneliness and suffering You experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.


Second series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I offer You for the souls in Purgatory, the great suffering that pierced Your Heart when one of Your beloved disciples, Judas Iscariot, betrayed You with a false kiss to deliver You into the hands of a hostile enemy. cruel.

Image by Grant Whitty

10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Third series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I offer You for the souls in Purgatory, the marvelous patience with which You endured so much insult from the cowardly soldiers, who dragged You from Annas to Caiaphas, from Pilate to Herod, who humiliatedly put on a robe maddened at You and sent You back to the Roman governor amidst the humiliation and ridicule of the masses.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Fourth series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I offer You for the souls in Purgatory, the bitterness that troubled Your Soul when Barabbas, a criminal and murderer was set free by the Jews in exchange for Your deliverance, an innocent and just man; You are tied to a stake and beaten again and again without mercy.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Fifth series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I dedicate to You for the souls in Purgatory, the humiliation You endured when they put on You a purple robe, placed a reed in Your hand and placed a painful crown of thorns on Your head to mock You. as a false king; and then Pilate handed you over to the crowd saying, "Look at this man!"


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Sixth series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I dedicate to You for the souls in Purgatory, the unspeakable suffering You experience when they cry out: “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” and the painful weight of the heavy cross on Your shoulders, You carry with complete resignation on the road to Calvary.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Seventh series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I dedicate to You for the souls in Purgatory, the suffocating compassion and deep suffering You experienced when You were roughly separated from Your beloved Mother who came to meet and embrace You.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

The eighth series of prayers

My dear Jesus, I dedicate to You for the souls in Purgatory, the great suffering You endured when Your bloody body was stretched on the cross and Your hands and feet were savagely pierced with nails, You were raised to the bar of humiliation.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

The ninth series of prayers

My dear Jesus, I dedicate to You for the souls in Purgatory, the sorrow and suffering that You endured continuously for 3 hours while hanging on the cross, and the spasms of the legs and arms that You suffered which were deepened by the presence of Your Mother. who mourned witnessing such heart-wrenching suffering.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.

Tenth series of prayers:

My dear Jesus, I offer You for the souls in Purgatory, the sorrow that covered the Most Holy Virgin Mary who was present at Your death and the wounds that pierced her tender heart as she accepted with Her arms Your lifeless body that was lowered from the cross.


10 X Prayers of Eternal Rest

Give them eternal rest (or mention the name of the soul that is prayed for) O Lord, may eternal light shine on them so that they rest in peace. May the souls of the believers rest in peace because of the mercy of God.


1 X Prayer of the Holy Souls

Holy souls, souls in Purgatory, pray for me to God and I pray for you that you may receive the gift of the glory of Heaven.


The sign of the cross (In the name of the Father...)

Source: -prayers-website

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